Seasons: Extra Sensory Perception

With the chance of snow — yes, snow — in the forecast for parts of the Maritimes yesterday, I rushed around last evening and took some cuttings of my geraniums before the temperature bottomed out.  They’re in water until I can prepare them for planting.

Snow? Wasn’t it just days ago we were all so excited at the prospect of spring?!  And here we are, just two months away from Christmas.  Again.  Sigh.  As I sat and pondered this with the patio doors wide open, a lone bird call emanated from the pine trees that surround the property.  Its call was a mere peep that reminded me of the spring peepers — that much anticipated froggy chorus that signals spring’s arrival.

It was that series of peeps from that little bird that got me thinking about the change of seasons and our extra sensory perception.  I’m not referring to the ESP we commonly call our “sixth sense”, though in a way, you could label it that.  I mean the ingrained ability to sift out the first signs of every season — those first sounds, sights, and smells that set our pulses racing and our excitement soaring.  Extra.  Sensory.  Perception.

That bird call was able to conjur up the excitement of hearing those first tentative spring peepers…that first morning that you open your curtains and feel the sun’s warmth fill the room…that rush of still-cool evening air that holds the scent of newly unfurled leaves and the light of longer days.

In the same way, it isn’t difficult to close your eyes and imagine the first rich earth that sifts through your hands when summer finally arrives…to smell the fragrance of the first lawn mowing…to feel the heat of midday…to hear the early morning chatter of birds and children at play in the distance…to feel the satisfaction of a neatly tidied garden.

I still get excited about the first snowfall and the delicious iciness of winter’s cold wind…that sighs through pine trees and taps against windows…the crackle of fire…the aroma of homemade soups and freshly baked bread…the coziness of a quilt.

And when winter is upon us once again, we’ll think back to this autumn and marvel at the profusion of color it offered…we’ll recall the scent of wood smoke that spiraled from neighboring chimneys at sunset…the crunch of leaves under foot…the sweetness of crisp apples…the ripening of the land.

Come winter’s end, we’ll do it all over again.  Extra.  Sensory.  Perceptions.  A circle of hope and anticipation.

Perhaps hope is our sixth sense.

Author: nancybond

A writer, photographer, naturalist from small town Nova Scotia, Canada.

13 thoughts on “Seasons: Extra Sensory Perception”

  1. Nancy .. you have explained it so well I can’t add anything else to what you have said .. other than YES ! I so agree : )

    Thanks, Joy!

  2. It is exciting the anticipation of each new season. What changes will it bring etc…lovely post today Nancy! :)

    I’m very glad to live in an area where we have 4 distinct seasons — many people don’t like winter, and I must admit that March and April are long months on the east coast, but I think winter is as beautiful a season as any other. :)

  3. Nancy, what a lovely essay. It is at this time of year that the circle of life seems most apparent.

    Always Growing

    Always reaping what we sow…then we sow again. It can be a vicious circle, but a beautiful one, just the same.

  4. Yes, we will. When I think of Christmas time, I think of my first granddaughter, Marley Ross, who will be born about that time! My greatest gift!

    You must be so excited, Brenda!!

  5. I love the swirling collage. We haven’t had a killing freeze yet, but it won’t be long. I’m ready for soup and knitting.

    I had such fun knitting the scarf in the previous post that I’ve started another for my grandson. :)

  6. You have captured a sense of the whole! Thank you for your insight. Sometimes it helps to stop living minute-to-minute and reflect more upon the greatness and grandeur of the cycle itself. :-)

  7. Back again! You have just been nominated for an award. Please accept it… you are very worthy!!! :-) Stop over at “my place.”

    Thanks very much, Shady! I’m honoured, and have posted it on my “awards page”. :)

  8. You are so correct, we will do it all over again. I am becoming a winter person. It’s because our summers have been too hot. Love your 4 season picture above.

    I’m not blogging as of this pm. You know I was having so much trouble with that new site. After all the trouble I’ve had with blogs, I decided not to start over. I will be visiting you often though. I want to see you in that new/old house;)

    Anna, I will really miss your blog! :-( If it’s of any help, WordPress is very easy to use and set up. I understand your not wanting to start over again — it’s a pain, that’s for sure. But I can’t imagine you not having a blog at all. And thank you so much for your good wishes…from your lips to the Universe! :)

  9. I love your collage and word pictures in this post, Nancy. One of my delights in early morning walking is what I call the “Disney moment.” All of a sudden the birds decide it’s light enough outside to burst into song….and they do. All at once. Every morning of a pre-dawn walk Baylee and I hear this. Now I wait for it and it brings me joy each time. Morning Is Announced. I also love to lie on the spring grass and feel the earth beneath me, imagining its core and rocks and gravity and it turning even as I am lying there. You can almost feel the earth’s heartbeat if you are still. ESP, indeed.

    You always make me smile — you always get it. :)

  10. I LOVE your collage Nancy. It’s gorgeous. and Hope has to be our sixth sense. It’s what keeps us going thru all the rough moments in the garden and life.

    You are so right about that, Kathleen. If it weren’t for hope, well, some mornings it would be real hard to get out of bed. :)

  11. I enjoyed this post and think it’s so true. In our area, like China (traditional Chinese medicine uses five seasons), we have a sort of late-summer/early fall season, which we are now in. At a certain point, I start talking to friends about it: “it’s starting to feel like fall”. What tips us off? Not easy to say, but this post is making me think about it. Something in the light, or a smell in the air…then the sandhill cranes fly over, to confirm real fall.

  12. Beautifully said, Nancy.

    I’ve decided that I don’t have a favourite season; what I like best is the change in seasons. The anticipation of what’s to come, and the slight melancholy of what’s lost…until next year.

I appreciate and welcome your comments!