Treasure Your Garden

At August’s end we hold our breath
And wait for Summer’s certain death;
We spend our gardening time in dread
Composting favorite flower heads.

We dig and weed and mulch and till,
Hanging on to warm days still
Occurring, though they’re shortened soon
By early dusks and golden moon.

We walk our garden paths with sighs
That summer goes so quickly by;
Cupping one persistent bloom
That helps dispel this August gloom.

Pshaw!” say I, don’t be so glum,
Look forward to the days to come!
Just think of all the kneeling, raking,
Bending, til your back is aching.

Of all the whirligigs and gnomes,
Gazing balls and Old Toad homes
That must be cleaned and put away,
Made ready for another day.

Of pools to empty, ponds to drain,
Gourds to pick before fall rains.
Hoes and spades and other tools
Must all be stored as weather cools.

But I, for one, embrace the days
Of clear, crisp air and morning haze,
Of walks though tunnels red and gold,
Of wisps of smoke as nights grow cold.

Of quilts and books beside the fire,
Pumpkin pies and apple cider.
And soon enough, a crystal frost
When heat of Summer’s truly lost.

Though I’ll be glad for cooler air,
I’ll bide my time til it is here;
We mustn’t wish away our days,
But fill them in delightful ways.

So, for today, my garden blooms!
Although it might be over soon,
These days of August still bring pleasure.
Embrace your fading garden treasures!
– (c) 2008 Nancy J. Bond

Author: nancybond

A writer, photographer, naturalist from small town Nova Scotia, Canada.

14 thoughts on “Treasure Your Garden”

  1. Is that an original Nancy
    Bond poem? I love it, it says it all. Thank you for sharing your poem and beautiful photos with us. :)

  2. The colors in this photo are just gorgeous. I love the way the light is hitting it.


  3. As always, a ‘right on’ seasonal post and poem (yours ?) Hope all is well. Haven’t heard from you in ages (though still on Botanical, my posts aren’t posted). A waning summer brings thoughts of newborn spring ;)

  4. That captures the late summer feeling…I really like the last two stanzas, that’s the way we should be.

  5. Treasure my garden instead of fretting over it: that’s a great message, Nancy, particularly this week! Thank you.

  6. What a well spoken poem. So true-though I am not looking forward to the aching back I do love to rake. Still, let’s enjoy today. Just great. I wish I could write poetry. I am trying like crazy to do a haiku-how simple is that?- and can’t get it right. Oh well.

  7. That was fun! I knew you wrote it from the get go and raced to the bottom to see!! You are sentimental like me but we have much to remember and much to look forward to. I seem to forever be creating the next moment. So I promise to pause and be thankful just cause you said so.

  8. Oh Nancy, that is just beautiful! Could I feature that, and you, on my blog? It just speaks to this transitional time of year so well!

  9. Kylee, you are most welcome! I hadn’t seen it on your blog until this comment (we spent Saturday celebrating my grandson’s b’day) and I’m so flattered. :)

I appreciate and welcome your comments!