Garden Blogger’s Muse Day: Asters – September 2008

“The breezes taste
Of apple peel.
The air is full
Of smells to feel –
Ripe fruit, old footballs,
Burning brush,
New books, erasers,
Chalk, and such.
The bee, his hive,
Well-honeyed hum,
And Mother cuts
Like plates washed clean
With suds, the days
Are polished with
A morning haze.”
– John Updike, “September”

Join GBMD, hosted by Carolyn of Sweet Home & Garden Chicago!

Author: nancybond

A writer, photographer, naturalist from small town Nova Scotia, Canada.

22 thoughts on “Garden Blogger’s Muse Day: Asters – September 2008”

  1. Thanks, gals. :) I wanted a photo with morning haze, but the weather has been most uncooperative, so I settled for the wild asters. :)

  2. Oh my goodness what an gorgeous photograph and representation of September! September is the month that starts my favorite time of year, so I particularly love this post!


  3. Hi Nancy, I love this poem. I always think of school supplies at the first of September. Berries abound here too.

  4. Nancy, I have some of these that are no where near opening. Your plants seem to be ahead of mine a lot. It must be the location you are in. I am in 5.

    Lovely poem and just perfect for the photo.

  5. I like the air smelling like apple peels. Cooking apples is the cheeriest thing to do and puts my whole family in a good mood. Thanks for making me think of all the things to look forward to this season.

  6. The one spent aster to the right is a quiet reminder of the delicate transition from summer to fall. Beautiful words and image to usher in the month and the upcoming season…

  7. “The air is full of smells to feel…” Oh, how lovely this poem is. I felt and smelt each and every line of it. My asters usually bloom in October. I can tell they’re getting ready for the show. Yours are so lovely with Mr. Bumblebee in attendance.

  8. Like plates washed clean
    With suds, the days
    Are polished with
    A morning haze.

    He saved the best part for last.

  9. Karen, these asters grow wild and were taken along the roadside. They would be very pretty in the garden, though!

  10. Your photograph of these asters makes me feel nostalgic — I’ve seen these since I was an infant — even have a few growing wild here. Lovely!

  11. Our wild asters are blooming too, along with the goldenrod and Joe Pye weed. I have one by a machinery shed that I let stay because it looks so pretty.
    That poem is perfect…conjuring up wonderful thoughts and smells, and your photo is so soft and pretty.
    I’ve really loved catching up with your posts tonight. The mosaic is a fascinating project and yours turned out so beautifully.
    My geraniums are still putting on a great show too. I treasure these last fleeting blooms :)
    Summer zoomed by, didn’t it?

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