Blotanical: One Growing Season

I joined Blotanical on December 3, 2007. Little did I know, at that time, that just four days later my world would be turned upside down, all of which led to one of my very first Blotanical posts.

Thankfully, one growing season later, both my grandson and Blotanical are thriving. Life and gardens seem parallel that way — a period of chaos is almost always followed by a period of calm growth. We plant, we tend, and we reap.

So, after one full growing season, I thought I’d toss a bouquet to Stuart, for all his hard work, and for having the inspiration in the first place to create this wonderful space where we gardeners can gather and share. And to thank all of you who take the time to give encouragement, to share ideas, to give pats on the back, and who share your chaos and your growth.

I’ve learned so much in one growing season from the Blotanical community — about both gardening, and life. Plant. Tend. Reap.

Author: nancybond

A writer, photographer, naturalist from small town Nova Scotia, Canada.

27 thoughts on “Blotanical: One Growing Season”

  1. Sheila — that is so kind, and thank you. Blotanical wouldn’t be the same without any one of us, I think. We all add a different spice to the diverse mix, so to speak.

  2. Nancy, I am glad that your grandson is doing well, thriving in fact! The relief you feel must be beyond measure!

    I joined Blotanical and did nothing for many months, only deciding this past few weeks to visit and see what the fuss was about. So far I have discovered some very good blogs and gotten hooked on Blotanical!

    Plant. Tend. Reap. So wonderfully put Nancy.


  3. Nancy .. you put my feelings in perspective with such a lovely post !
    I’m so glad your grandson is doing well. Thriving is the best gear to be in, for a little one and his family : )
    This has been such an amazing experience .. and yes ! Stuart deserves a lot of praise for what he has created for us here.
    Great post, and all of us make up a little twist in each of our “plots” to keep it interesting ! LOL

  4. Nancy, I remember so much about you and it’s all good memories. Congrats on being strong through it all and keeping a healthy attitude that encouraged others. I am one that has gained strength from coming here. I too love blotanical and missed it when I was out of sorts for awhile. Glad to be back in the swing! I love all the friends!

  5. What a journey you've had over the past 8 months Nancy. "Plant, Tend, & Reap" Very well put as far as our gardens & our lives go.

  6. Much gratitude here . . . for all the time invested and all the ways you enrich this place, Nancy…

  7. So true Nancy, and so beautifully expressed.

    I’m so glad for you and your family that your precious little guy is thriving now.

  8. Nancy – what a lovely post – yes I will join you in chucking a bouquet to Stuart for all his hard work – Blotanical is an amazing community – but you are a very special Blogger – both in your writing and your commenting on other posts. I can only echo David – Much gratitude ….
    Warm regards

  9. Aw…shucks! You’re so sweet Nancy. I’d agree with the sentiments of the other commenters that you do bring something very special to the table. Your optimism and genuine warmth are inherent and not just relegated to your posts. Thank you dearly.

  10. Nancy, you have such a way with words:).I agree completely~ this Blotanical community is much more than gardening. It’s a place where gardeners grow.

  11. Happy anniversary! chaos balanced by calm growth…Your posts have a way of clarifying things, expanding on things and appreciation of life and the natural world. your posts make me stop for a moment and reflect.
    I am glad everyone is thriving!

  12. Nancy,
    You are a “Weeping willow” in our community. We rest under your shade, enjoy the breeze from the movement of your graceful branches and are elevated to greater heights by your words and poetry!

    So glad to know you.

  13. A lot has happened in your one growing season. Seeing that beautiful smiling face of your grandson is proof positive.

    Thank you for bringing your unique touch to the garden blogging community.

    I am expecting my first grand daughter in early November and can only imagine what you and the parents have gone through. I’m so relieved to know that he’s healthy and happy.

  14. Congratulations, Nancy! Your blog is unique in its stunning photography and the words of wisdom you provide for all of us.

    I must admit I joined Blotanical a few months ago, but haven’t checked in lately. Thanks for the reminder.

  15. I’ve been thinking I need to figure out Bloatanical, I signed up and then got sidetracked, but this reminds me to get back up to speed.

  16. Nancy, A wonderfully written piece for gardeners everywhere to appreciate the cycle of growth and change. So happy for you and your family that your precious little one is doing well.

    Hats off to Stuart for pulling us together and then to all the gardeners who share their own genuine passion and creativity… I too have learned so much from each one.

    I’m still holding out for your aunt to let you live in her house… I look forward to that post, too!

  17. Wish I could add a flower to your beautiful bouquet for Stuart … heartfelt hugs in knowing you through your beautiful photography and shared life stories.

  18. If Stuart hadn’t created Blotanical and pulled us all together, I never would have found you, Nancy, your generous supporting spirit, and your blogs of dear and deep quality. Thank you, and thank you to Stuart.

  19. Nancy, you have such a way of bringing to words the good and truthful about life and I enjoy all of it. Glad Blotanical was there for you. Stuart works very hard and it is evident.

  20. Nancy, I would probably have never found your blog if not for Blotanical. I’m glad both you and B have had a season of growth and that your grandson is thriving. I love your photos and your words.~~Dee

I appreciate and welcome your comments!