What to My Wondering Eyes Should Appear…

…but tiny little buds forming on the Bailey’s nasturtium. :-) They’re teeny right now, but hopefully will turn into some of those soft lemon blooms I’ve been so anxious to see. The entire seedling is doing very well, despite the miserably hot weather we’ve had of late.

It seems we’re to have a short reprieve from that wretched heat today, with lower temps and the most glorious breeze. Showers, and possibly thundershowers, are expected this afternoon, but they are most welcome.

Author: nancybond

A writer, photographer, naturalist from small town Nova Scotia, Canada.

23 thoughts on “What to My Wondering Eyes Should Appear…”

  1. Wonderful!! I guess it is possible to grow it in a bottle then(-: What a great picture it will be when it is blooming too!!!!

  2. hurray, it was definitely a successful experiment then! I hope you got the heat reprieve you were seeking!

  3. I’ve enjoyed watching the saga of the nasturtium; it looks so healthy! Can’t wait to see the blooms.

  4. It’s great that the plant is doing well…it looks so interesting pouring up out of the bottle.

  5. I am going to have to try a bottle plant. How did you start it?

    The cool air is here. Hallelujah!

  6. Gardenpath – the bottle plant was easy to start. I added about 2″ of marbles to the bottom of the bottle, added some cactus soil (better drainage), dropped in 3-4 seeds, and then simply covered with more soil and gently tamped it down with a piece of doweling. If you try this, water when you plant, and then very sparingly as the water doesn’t evaporate like it does in a pot, and I nearly drowned the poor thing. I water now about once a week and then only 1/2 cup at a time. :) That’s it.

  7. Oh Nancy J., the nastursium plant itself is a masterpiece, the flowers will be sublime. You have been an inspiration in so many ways, but the seeds in a bottle are beyond the pale. Thanks.

  8. I was wondering how this experiment was going. Lemon yellow blooms are coming soon for sure. The plant looks healthy. Are you having to water it often?

  9. Very cool Nancy! It’s a beautiful plant even without blooms. The flowers will be the icing on the cake!

    I’m glad you’re getting some relief from the heat! I hope you get a good soaking rain like we did last night.

    They’ve lowered our forcast high for today from 95 to 85. It’s a welcome change, since I’m at the nursery today. The weed barrier they have all over the place raises the air temperature about 10 degrees. I wasn’t looking forward to temps of 105!

  10. Thanks one and all for the interest you’ve shown in this little experiment — I guess it proves that seeds, at least, do bloom where they’re planted. :)

    Garden Girl — if you try this, you need to water very sparingly. There’s no drainage except for the marbles I put in the bottom of the bottle, and it stays wet a very long time. As it is, I water about 1/2 cup at a time, and then only every week or 10 days. :)

  11. What a fun experiment. I think your plant looks very healthy. I can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s in full bloom.

    I like rain and thunderstorms too, as long as I’m not driving in it….

  12. Nancy ! … that is amazing : )
    I’ll enjoy seeing how this all flowers out .. one happy little guy ! : )

  13. Very cool! I’ve seen wild nasturtiums as escapees in wet places in Southern California, but I never would have thought of this method of growing them–cool! And definitely worth a try for water-loving plants.

    Hope the soft yellow blooms live up to your expectations. I’m trying pale yellow “Moonlight” nasturtium this year–but they definitely aren’t at the blooming point yet. Seem to take a while to come up.

  14. I’m trying to plant it here in Egypt. In Egypt we call it Abu Khangar (أبو خنجر). Literally that means “the plant with daggers”!

    It did not go beyond it’s initial growing though. I planted it in May, I guess I should plant it at September or something (from seed). It’s hot here in Egypt during the summer.

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